...Unto the Lord, for he is good, and his Mercy endures forever.
This Thanksgiving, I think I'll just list a few things for which I've good reason to be thankful.
Mom. She gave me this wonderful Life, and I can never, ever thank her enough.
Marilyn. She's put up with me for nearly 40 years, and I still get just as excited as Wally when she comes home.
Bobby, Laura, and Sara. Three of the wittiest people I know, and a joy to be around, singly or in groups.
Sandy, Slade, Tyler, and Sam. My oldest (sorry, Sandy) daughter and her family are wonderful, giving people who make me glad every time I see them.
Gretchen. Always a joy after she came back from her very dark place, and proof of the existence of redemption.
Jon, Missy, and Violet. They have endless energy and an attitude that could make Pollyanna jealous. Vi is a constant source of wonder as she has grown every time I see her.
The Herd. Wally, Gizmo, and Gracie remind me of how much God has Blessed me.
My sister Amy and her husband Geoff, for taking such good care of Mom.
My brother and other sisters for being my brother and other sisters. I've learned a lot from all of them.
My friends. They keep me honest.
America. For all her troubles, still the best, most free and desired place on earth to thrive and raise a family. May she remain that way for a long time to come.
Dr. McBee. She lets me cheat on my diet on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday.
And finally, I'm thankful for the time the family is going to spend together today, eating, fellowshiping, and being family.
Thank you, Lord. Life is good.