Thursday, June 26, 2008

T Minus 11

Eleven days until the liftoff of the Cosmic Muffin (sorry, Bob and Jimmy, but I had to steal your line).

Preparations are progressing slowly, due primarily to an over abundance of WORK :(.

Late last week, we had a virus problem at work that propagated to our sales agencies. I got an alert that one of the servers was low on space. Since the whole office was in panic mode over the virus, I verified that this agency was not infected. Then I started digging around in their database, looking for the cause of the space problem. I discovered that they had a lot of old crud in there, and, like the idiot I am, I volunteered to clean it up for them. Normally this is a 2 night deal. I've been up hammering on this beast for the last 3 nights, and with luck, will finish it up on Friday. They had a LOT of old crud.

I've been up so much in the middle of the night that I'm beginning to feel like sunlight will cause me to burst into flame. I look around in fear for guys in capes with wooden stakes.

There is an upside to this whole thing. I think I've spent a total of 10 hours in the office this week. Working from home has its advantages.

But back to the preparations.

Things are actually progressing quite well. I've outfitted the driver's seat of the Jeep with a gel seat cushion. Since I got the long face from Dr. McBee about my blood sugar, I've lost about 40 pounds, and most of the natural seat cushion I used to haul around. This should go a long way toward making the ride more enjoyable.

This weekend, I plan to rotate the (extremely heavy) tires, violate all kinds of stupid laws by washing the thing, clean the interior well, and then get the garage in shape to use as a storage area for appliances and cabinets for the new kitchen. The appliances are due to arrive on Saturday, and Marilyn wants the new fridge in place then.

I'll probably also spend some time in the laundry and over the ironing board (gasp!) getting my wardrobe ready for the big event.

Now that I've completely depressed myself, I think I'll quit.

See y'all tomorrow.


  1. No problem. Wish I could tag along. Sounds like you're gonna have a good time!

  2. Hey Dad, I love your blog page.. this way I can read what you've been up to and I don't have to call every night during your nap, or when you're about to take your first bite of supper! :) Oh and if you guys need help Saturday with the fridge...I'm more than happy to help. Just call! Love you! Sandy


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