Monday, July 13, 2009

Things That Rub My Fur the Wrong Way

Hair. If it's going to fall out, why doesn't it quit growing first? And why don't balding men get a discount at the barber shop?

Telemarketers. If they have to call, why do they start the call with "Please hold for the next available representative"? An uninvited interruption of my day should at least have a real person on the other end of the line so I can vent. And robo-calls where you never get to hear a live voice are even worse.

Grass. You cut it, and it gets mad and grows faster.

Georgia clay. Red, sticky, and doesn't drain worth a darn. Creates bogs for the aforementioned lawn mower.

Things that are designed to wear out. Tires, brakes, and my body. Some days I wish I could jack up my glasses and run a new chassis under them.

Blood chemistry. My total cholesterol is about 140, but my lipids and HDL to LDL ratio are screwed. I take 5 pills a day and eat like a squirrel to keep it in check.

Insurance companies. My health insurance is better than screwing the public out of my health care, but only slightly.

Congress. If there ever was a bigger collection of idiots under one dome, I challenge anyone to point it out to me.

Politics. From the Greek - Poly meaning many and Ticks - blood sucking insects.

The people on the Weather Channel. The world's largest collection of disaster loving ghouls.

People who hate other people because of differing political convictions. Hate the sin, but love the sinner.

Michael Jackson. Living or Dead. The media has turned someone who gave every indication of being a self loathing freak into a saint. Enough already.

I'm beginning to depress myself, so I'll quit for a while.

Stay well, and keep smiling. It confuses the heck out of people who are out to get you. :)


  1. On the hair issue Scott pointed out the other day that you arent really loosing it it just moves down, ear, nose, and ass.

    Just a thought.

  2. As soon as Sara gets home, I'm bringing her over with her fart machine, whoopie cushions, retractable roaches, fake doggie doo and silly string. I think you need some cheering up.

  3. I totally agree with the blood chemistry and M. Jackson...well always!


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