Friday, March 5, 2010

Brain Static and White Noise.

There are a lot of things going on around the homestead this weekend.  We're blessed with a 4 day visit from Violet, The Empress of the Known Universe, also known as our 2 year old Granddaughter.  She's currently in the living room playing with a doll house and the Hoosier Cupboard that was rescued from my Mom's basement.  The cat, on the other hand is cowering in the den.  He's not a big fan of two-year-olds.  Wally, the Weather Dog, on still another hand, has taken up his post by the storm door to repel boarders.


The weather is supposed to be sunny with seasonal normal temperatures this weekend.  It will be a break from the Snow of the Week we've had for the last few.


Congress is busy.  I wonder what it's going to take to make them stop.


The news media are busy.  I've put wedges under the left side of my TV to slant things back to the right.


For some mysterious reason, God is busy trying to break third world countries into gravel.  Haiti and Chile have been shaken, stirred, and submerged by earthquakes.  It's a shame there's not a fault line under Washington, D. C..


Crazy people are busy shooting things up.  Unhinged whackoids have fired on Army bases, The Pentagon, and Universities.  Conventional "wisdom" would demand that we take all the guns away from law abiding citizens to ensure that only people with no regard for the law will be armed, and we can all be in the same peril as those who work and learn in gun-free environments.


Why do home schooled students consistently out-perform those who attend public schools?  And why are we striving for "Excellence" in public education when we should be struggling to get public education up to mediocre?  (Thank you Thomas Sowell.)


Why is our President so insistent on completely destroying the best health care system on the planet?  It may have a few problems, but if Universal Health Care (like Canada's system) is so great, why did the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador come to the USA for heart surgery?  Our health care problems can best be solved by getting Government out of the health business, not by nationalizing 1/6th of our economy.


Why can't I think of anything cheerful and upbeat to write about?  I think I'll go play with the Granddaughter.


Stay well.

Footnote:  Playing with a 2 year old is good for the soul.  I feel much better now.

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