It's gradually approaching completion, but I don't think it is ever going to hit the finish line.
The cabinet installers were back for about the 37th time today to put the project to rest. Steve, their leader, nearly expired when he discovered that we a) had only one glass window that fit, b) one of the thrice-ordered corner cabinets had a flaw that should have never passed a quality control inspection, and c) the glass shelves for the display cabinet were the wrong size. After his fit of apoplexy, he lit out of here like a shuttle launch, intent on issuing a slew of new brains to the folks who took our money and have so far failed to get the order straight.
In their favor, the installers got the corner cabinets installed, the trim installed, the correct cabinets in place over the refrigerator, and it looks fabulous.
When I got home from work, there were women everywhere. Marilyn, Laura, Gretchen, Missy, Sara, and Violet were all camped in the living room, generally doing whatever Violet wanted. Wally was protecting them from whatever he thought he saw wandering past the storm door.
After playing with Vi for a while, Laura, Sara, and Gretchen went their ways, and Marilyn, Missy, Violet, and I all went out to dinner. Our waitress spent most of the evening in a parallel universe, but the food and company were great. Violet can eat her own weight every 6 hours, fall asleep immediately after dinner, and still stay slightly underweight. If I ate like she does, two things would certainly happen. I would weigh 300 pounds, and my doctor would send her Sicilian cousin Guido to 'splain the error of my ways to me.
All things considered, it was a pretty good day.
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