Friday, January 16, 2009

Brain Static

I've been suffering from a serious case of Don't-feel-entertaining-itis lately. Being creative on a regular basis is sometimes a strain.

Strain or no, here are some random thoughts:

I dislike cats less than I hate cat-sicles. Last night, the temp dropped to 14 here in the sunny South, and I let our "the world is my litter box" outside cat into the house. She's currently asleep on the back of a chair here in the den. Her parole is up when I head out later this morning, but I'll probably relent and let her back in tonight.

Speaking of cats, Gracie is learning some social skills. She no longer feels compelled to use her claws for everything. When she ambushes your ankles on the dark stairs, it's more of a "Tag-You're-It" attack than a "You're Lunch" thing. Did I mention that I dislike cats?

Sara is a delight. Yesterday, she was having conniptions over the computer. She was in some online game and was banging her head against the desk trying to find a map. After a while the grumbling ceased, and she announced that she was done with the game for today. She's certainly learned to deal well with frustration.

Did I mention that it's COLD!!! Last night at about 3 AM I heard a clanking sound on the front porch. We no longer have to worry about a herd of brass monkeys around here. I expect a further gelding of the monkey herd tonight. It's predicted that the temperature will drop to 9.

My blood has thinned considerably since I left Cleveland 40-some-odd years ago.

Cleveland is a great place to be from. Far from. I don't think I've quite gone far enough. Costa Rica?

Wally the Weather Dog has predicted further cold, and is looking at me with his "Open the darn door so I can harass the kitten" look, so I guess I better get off my butt and follow orders.

Pray for our Nation, and stay warm.


  1. Being a grade A frustrated head banger myself, I can understand Sara's reaction. She has a genetic predisposition for impatience.

  2. I think she got it from her grandfather. It took me until I was 40 to get over letting things frustrate me, and I still occasionally relapse.


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