Tuesday, March 24, 2009


According to most of the weather-guessers, we're in for a typical camping trip. Rain and an occasional thunderstorm ought to keep us busy putting the rain fly back on the kitchen. If nothing else, we should become adept at tying taught-line hitches in the guy ropes. The up side to this is that I sleep like a rock while the rain is falling on the fly over the tent. Thunder and wind, on the other hand keep me awake, but the storms are due during daylight. We can always go wheelin' in the rain.

Aside from the obvious impending dampness, I'm looking forward to this trip. I expect to have a local dry spot created by a LOD campfire, great food compliments of Greg, and a load of laughs thanks to the Legionnaires.

Since I'm on a roll about the weather, I think I ought to offer the following observation about The Weather Channel. I have never seen a group of people who derive so much satisfaction from imparting doom and gloom. There is a positive glow on the talking heads' faces when they're forecasting blizzards, tornadoes and other meteorological havoc. These people are absolute sadists. Even the local forecasts overstate the possibility of evil weather.

Watching these idiots makes me wonder how the heck humanity survived long enough to get to the point where fools like them can stand in front of a camera and tell the world how bad things are. What did our animal-skin-clad hunter-gatherer forebears do when the weather threatened? They quickly learned to get in out of the rain. Why were they not wiped out by the raging winds, freezing cold, and blazing heat? They learned to cope with the weather.

Rain, and the occasional thunderstorm is not the end of the world.

Y'all come to the mountain top and have some good, soggy fun.

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