Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

This is the biggest weekend of the year for gearheads like myself. There's the Monte Carlo Grand Prix, the Indy 500, and the Coca Cola 600 at Lowe's. It's the unofficial start of summer. People are vacationing at the beach and the mountains, fishing, camping, cooking out, and enjoying their families, friends, and life in general.

But there is a very serious side to this holiday. When I was young, my Grandmother refered to it as Decoration Day. It was the day when the survivors of fallen service men went to the cemeteries across the country and hung bunting and flags on the graves as a sign of gratitude and respect. As a Boy Scout sometime in the middle of the last century, I took part in a parade each Memorial Day. We marched through town to the local cemetery where there was a ceremony, speeches, and a rifle salute honoring the fallen heroes.

Today it has become something different. As with many things in our society, it has morphed into a celebration of thanks for all who served. While I have undying gratitude for all who wear or war a uniform, Memorial Day should be reserved to honor the fallen. It is the day we should reflect on the sacrifices made by our fallen service men and women, and honor those who gave all that we might enjoy the blessings of Liberty. It is the day we should remember those who gave the last full measure so others could live free. It is the day that we should honor those who's love for Country and comrades was greater than their love for life.

These heroes should have our undying gratitude and be honored as the most revered patriots that our country has produced. My nephew said it very well here.

Please do not think that I am trying to slight the serving Military. They are doing a service so great that every day should be reserved to honor them. I personally thank every service man or woman that I meet. Do not think that I am trying to slight those who served in the past. We have Veteran's day to honor them. But Monday is Memorial day, when I will remember and honor those who gave everything to ensure our freedom.

Fly your flag at half staff (or lowered to horizontal) until noon tomorrow, and remember those who made it possible for the races, family gatherings, and barbecues to continue. We are blessed to live in a country where patriots abound.

Stay well, and offer a prayer of thanks for those who fell and comfort for those who mourn their loss.

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