Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Change

A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. - Albert Einstein

It's been an interesting day on the Environmental Front. President Oh-Bummer is meeting with OwlGore to discuss climate change, the EPA has declared that CO2 is a threat to public health, and idiots are running around Washington like rats escaping a tenement fire.

Every time I hear a conversation about climate change, I hear the word "consensus", as in "Scientific consensus proves that mankind is contributing to climate change." 500 or so years ago, the "scientific consensus" was that the world was flat, and if you sailed too far, you would fall off the edge. The consensus was once that Earth was the center of the universe. The consensus once was that the proper way to treat a disease was to drain the "evil humors" out of the body with about half of the blood.

Scientific consensus is always wrong. Science is a search for the truth, and the truth is always unknown. Thomas Edison once said, "We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything." He was right. We will never truly understand all there is to know about anything. We have theories that seem to fit the way we observe things working, but the more we observe, the more we discover that our theories are lacking. One brilliant person will get a thought that leads to the discovery of a larger truth that proves the consensus wrong. He will be branded a heretic, denier, or worse, but eventually he will be proved correct.

I am more inclined to believe the one person who has a reasoned and researched objection to consensus, than to fall in line and blindly follow the dumb masses (say it aloud 3 times) who preach the party line. Historically, the heretics have usually been proven correct.

The fact that the EPA has made this "finding" is alarming. We're about to be slammed with regulations on everything that releases anything that might be considered a "greenhouse gas". Look for catalytic converters on cows. The alarming thing is that there is no check and balance mechanism in place that would allow us to modify this ruling. Congress is held in check by the threat of being voted out of office. The EPA can act like the Emperor of the Known Universe and ban things by fiat.

It is time to rise up and let our elected representatives know that we're tired of not being represented. It's time to unite and remind those in positions of power that this country was founded on the principle that "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed". It is time to remove our consent if common sense and freedom are not returned to the thought processes of those who rule us.

Take a look at the quote from Ayn Rand on the right of this page, and use it as a filter to examine this EPA ruling.

Stay well, and keep breathing, despite what the EPA says.

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