Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...And they're waving him around third!

Just one more post from the road before I get to sleep in my own bed.

In less than 2 hours I'll be pointing the Jeep toward Music City. It feels like I'm in a soap box car at the top of the steepest hill on earth. I'm ready to go and thrilled to be starting, but the butterflies are starting to squirm.

I'm ready to roll now, but I think I'll wait until 8:00 local time to let the Nashville traffic dissipate (and the road construction crews to get into third gear) before I depart. I'm 2 hours from Gnashville and 4 1/2 after that to home. The part I dread the most is Atlanta. If I time this correctly, and the traffic gods cooperate, I should leave I-285 behind me between the lunchtime jam and the going-home jam.

One thing working in my favor is WSB. It will be good to be back in the land of every-6-minute-traffic-reports and Boortz. I think I'm suffering from an insensitivity withdrawal. :)

Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again very soon. Time to put my city face on. :(

Much love to family and friends.


The last 2 1/2 weeks have been the most relaxing of my adult life. Thanks to all who tolerated my absence. I'm ready for another fantastic day.

1 comment:

  1. We are soo excited to have you home! Can't wait to see you and hear all about the trip!


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