I have not been keeping up with this blog thing like I should. But, like any good American, I have an excuse. I'm going to blame it on Global Warming. :) Please note the picture. It was taken on 7/18/2008 at about 1:00 PM MDT, and yes, that is snow under the wheels. Global warming is bad science fiction. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" bad.
Seriously, things have been a bit hectic around here. Today, the little Polish guy who has been installing our cabinets was waiting at the curb as I left for work. He shows up early, and waits until his Jamaican partner shows before he gets out of the car and comes to the door. At least it gives Marilyn a chance to corral Wally and protect the workers from our protector.
They were supposed to put the last of the cabinets in today, but for the second time, Home Depot had ordered the wrong cabinets. The trim would not have fit. So they did what they could, replacing the bookcase that sits at the end of the island (damaged in shipment the first time), and fitting a new back panel to the island after the bookcase was installed. They then went to Home Depot to supervise the re-re-order of the cabinets.
After they left, FedEx delivered the glass for some of the other cabinets. The wrong size was shipped the first time.
Tomorrow the counter tops should arrive and be installed. Maybe we can actually start using the kitchen as a kitchen before next week. It will be nice to have the water turned on and the dishwasher installed.
One other interesting thing is going on around our house. Sara is using our home as a safe haven after school. Marilyn and I will take turns watching her in the afternoon. Many thanks to my boss for allowing me to work from home in the afternoons when Marilyn is taking care of folks in the ER.
Well, I've lost my muse. Inspiration is waning, and I think I'll go get a cup of coffee before my head makes a loud noise on the keyboard.
Stay well.
I just can't express my gratitude enough. I lost much sleep over the past few weeks as to what to do about the school and aftercare situation. Though I think she is responsible enough to stay alone for a couple of hours, she is timid and I am paranoid about the world at large today. I was pleasantly surprised at your (and Mom's) offer, but I shouldn't have been. You and Mom have always been kind and generous to me and to Sara. When I comes to in-laws, I hit the jackpot (and your son isn't too bad either).