1. It's always good to make sure all of the family is invited to a Birthday Party. I. E., don't banish the dogs to the back yard.
2. Otis can reach the middle of the dining room table - especially if there's a birthday cake on it.
3. It's called "Marble Cake" for a reason. It turns to something closely akin to real marble when mixed with dog slobber and applied to a hardwood floor.
4. My bathrobe is made of the same stuff as the microfiber cloths I was using to clean up the aforementioned "marble". At least they can go in the same load in the washer.
5. When you come into a room that looks either like the Three Stooges staged a pie fight or some terrorist put an IED in a birthday cake, all you can do is laugh and start cleaning it up.
Hope y'all have a great day.